How many prayers have been abandoned by those following World Cup football matches, even in Ramadhaan, the month of the Qur.aan!!
Tag: ramadhaan
Feed 500 people during Ramadhaan
Hammaad ibn Abee Sulaymaan would feed five hundred people during Ramadhaan, and after ‘Eed [al-Fitr] he would give 100 dirhams to each one.
Feeding the fasting
Hammaad ibn Abee Sulaymaan would feed fifty of the fasting everyday throughout Ramadhaan, and on the night before ‘Eed [al-Fitr] he would clothe them with a garment each.
Did not make up missed fasts before arrival of following Ramadhaan due to laziness
A 45 year old man has not fasted during the month of Ramahdaan for many years out of laziness and negligence, and nor has he made up any of the missed fasts over these years. However, Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala) has [now] bestowed upon him the opportunity to repent and he has started fasting the month of Ramadhaan after the passing of ten days. So what is the ruling regarding the previous days, the months of which the number exceeds ten?
Sick woman unable to fast some days last Ramadhaan
I am a sick woman and was unable to fast some days during last Ramadhaan and have been unable to make up [the missed fasts] due to my illness. So what is the expiation for that? Likewise, I am unable to fast Ramadhaan this year, so what is the expiation for that also?
Died whilst having fasts of Ramadhaan to make up
My father died after an illness which prevented him from fasting half the the month of Ramadhaan, and he had requested that I [make up the missed] fasts for those days. So am I required to do that or can I make an expiation [on his behalf]?
Breaking a fast which is required to be made up from last Ramadhaan
Whoever fasts a day which he is required to make up [from Ramadhaan], is he then allowed to break the fast? And likewise, if he was fasting a voluntary fast?
Making up the missed fasts consecutively
Whoever missed some fasts during Ramadhaan due to a[n Islaamically] valid reason, then is he required to make up the [missed] fasts consecutively, or is it permissible for him to split them up?
Making up missed fasts of Ramadhaan on Thursday and Friday
Is it permissible to make up missed fasts of Ramadhaan on Thursday and Friday or not?
Splitting up fasts to be made up from last Ramadhaan
A man has fasts from Ramadhaan to make up, [so] is it permissible for him to split the fasts up [rather than fast them all consecutively]?