Visit our YouTube channel for more Download individual fatwa audio files, prepared for MP3 players total number of files in rar archive: 104 more than 3 hours of audio fataawa total size: 163mb filetype: mp3 Download have you downloaded our Ramadhaan Fataawa social media image files yet? Translation originally published on 7 August, 2008
Tag: ramadan
Ramadhaan Fataawa – Social Media
Download individual social media image files, prepared for easy sharing with your family and friends on WhatsApp and all other social media networks
The missed fast of ‘Aashooraa cannot be made up
Why do you fast [today], yet do not fast when you are also travelling in Ramadhaan?
Leading the night prayer
Suwayd ibn Ghafalah would lead us in the night prayer during the month of Ramadhaan, while he had reached 120 years [of age].
Establishing the beginning of the lunar month
What is the method by which the beginning of the lunar month is established?