His set portion [of worship] every night was [to pray] twenty rak’ahs whilst at home and [also when on] travels. And when he would be done with them, he would write thirty five pages of his book.
Tag: rakaat
He would still pray every day and night
My father would pray 300 rak’ahs every day and night, and when he became ill from having been whipped, it weakened him. [Thereafter], he would [only be able to] pray 150 rak’ahs every day and night.
The night prayer at home and whilst travelling
The portion [of worship which] Ibn al-Baaqillaanee had set himself every night was 20 rak’ahs – [and this was] whilst he was at home and [also] whilst he was travelling; and when he was done, he would take to writing 35 pages of his book.
Always giving away in charity
Never would an hour pass him except that he would give something away in charity, and if he did not have anything [to give away in charity], he would [then] pray two rak’ahs [of voluntary prayer].