What is the ruling regarding the reading of the Qur.aan over the deceased and placing the Qur.aan on their stomach?
Tag: qur.aan
Qur.aans at the graveside for reading
At some graves there are Qur.aans for whoever wishes to read over the dead. What is your opinion on this?
Saying “صدق الله العظيم” after finishing reading the Qur.aan
What is the ruling regarding the saying of “sada qAllaahul-‘Adtheem” after finishing reading of the Qur.aan?
Kissing and wiping the Qur.aan over the eyes
We notice that some brothers, when they begin to read the Noble Qur.aan, they kiss it and wipe it over their eyes and face. So, seeking your advice, is this mentioned in the Sharee’ah?
Reading the Qur.aan in congregation
What is the ruling regarding reading the Qur.aan in congregation especially on the day of Jumu’ah (Friday) before the imaam arrives?
Hiring a reciter to read the Qur.aan upon the soul of the deceased
What is the ruling regarding hiring a reciter to read the Noble Qur.aan upon the soul of the deceased?
Leaving off fasting due to laziness
Is a person who leaves off fasting due to laziness and heedlessness like the one that leaves off prayer in the respect that he is a disbeliever?