Soorah al-Faatihah – Haanee ar-Rifaa’ee
Tag: qur.aan
Abu Bakr ash-Shaatree
Abu Bakr ash-Shaatree
Soorah al-Faatihah – Mahmood Khaleel al-Husaree-2
Soorah al-Faatihah – Mahmood Khaleel al-Husaree-2
Soorah al-Faatihah – ‘Abdur-Rahmaan as-Sudays-2
Soorah al-Faatihah – ‘Abdur-Rahmaan as-Sudays-2
Soorah al-Faatihah – Mahmood Khaleel al-Husaree-1
Soorah al-Faatihah – Mahmood Khaleel al-Husaree-1
Soorah al-Faatihah – ‘Alee Jaabir
Soorah al-Faatihah – ‘Alee Jaabir
Soorah al-Faatihah – Ahmad al-‘Ajmee
Soorah al-Faatihah – Ahmad al-‘Ajmee
Gifting the recitation of the Qur.aan to the Prophet Muhammad
“The completion of this Qur’aan is gifted to the soul of our master, our leader and our Prophet Muhammad, the pure”. What is the Sharee’ah ruling regarding this?
Gathering people to recite the Qur.aan
What is the Sharee’ah ruling in gathering people to read the Book of Allaah with the intention that the benefit of the recitation returns to the one who initiated the gathering or someone who is deceased?
Kissing the Qur.aan
I have seen amongst the people that which I have never heard of nor seen before and that is kissing the Qur.aan as [one sees] two men kissing each other [out of brotherly love].