Visit our YouTube channel for more Regarding Shaykh ‘Abdur-Rahmaan as-Sa’dee’s praise for his own book “al-Qawaa’id al-Hisaan”, Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: …then [I say] that his praise for his book is not strange, because the praise of the people of knowledge for their writings is not done intending pride or bragging to the people, rather, […]
Tag: pride
A smile and a welcoming face
To meet people with a smile and a welcoming face is indeed from the characteristics of Prophethood, and [something which] is contrary to pride and arrogance, and [instead] a cause for friendship and love.
Knowledge of Allaah and actions for His Sake alone
The pleasure which remains after death, and [that which] benefits in the Hereafter is the pleasure [attained] from knowledge of Allaah and actions for His Sake [alone].
Beware of being amazed with yourself!
And many of the intellectuals become atheists because of their intellect, and [as a result he] looks upon others as despicable, and sees others as nothing worthy of note…
The Shaykh absolutely disapproved of it
Reference: Safahaat Mushriqah min Hayaat al-Imaam Muhammed ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen – Page 159 It has been narrated by Dr. ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Abdil-Muhsin at-Tuwayjiree: I cannot forget this incident when I took our noble brother ‘Abdul-Kareem al-Miqrin (presenter on the Qur.aan radio station) to account, when I asked him: Why is it that when you introduce […]
Seeking knowledge to act according to it
If a man seeks knowledge to act according to it, his knowledge gratifies him, and if he seeks knowledge for other than acting according to it, then his knowledge [merely] increases him in pride and haughtiness.
One who is shy will never gain knowledge
«One who is shy will never gain knowledge, nor one who is proud»
It is befitting for a person to strive hard with himself and not to feel proud as a result of the people’s statements [of praise].