«There is no salaah for the one whose nose did not touch the ground, [and whose] forehead did not touch [the ground either].»
Tag: prayer
Praying in the same clothing in which I had a wet dream
[When] I have a wet dream, I have a bath [or shower] and wear the same clothing in which I had a wet dream; so is there any harm in that?
Combining the prayers because of severe pains
She is asking about [the permissibility of] combining the zhuhr and ‘asr prayers because of severe pains?
Parents complain their children delay their prayers
In general, parents complain about their children delaying the prayer past its time?
Praying upon a prayer rug
When I visit one of my relatives, at the time of prayer they offer me a prayer rug to pray upon. So I pray [on it] – even though I do not like to do so, because I see [both] the young and the old praying on it, and [then] they put it on the floor in the children’s room. So is my prayer correct, or should I repeat it?
These words are beyond the level of originality
These words are beyond the level of originality; Glory be to the Creator, the Sustainer – He in whose Hand are the affairs of every thing.
Pray before you are prayed upon
Don’t be fooled into thinking that you will begin praying when you become old; pray before you are prayed upon!
The traveller’s prayer in congregation with local residents
[At the moment] I am travelling, so if I joined a congregation of local residents for the ‘ishaa prayer, [as a traveller] should I finish my prayer after two rak’ahs, or should I pray all four rak’ahs along with them?
The masjid is a marketplace of the hereafter
Indeed the masjid is a marketplace of the hereafter, so if you want to trade, then go out to the marketplace of this world.
Assuming a specific place in the masjid and not moving from it
What is the ruling regarding constantly reserving a place in the masjid?