Supplication is the weapon of the strong and the weak, and it is from the delights of the Prophets and the sincere, and with it they seek [aid from Allaah] to ward off all harm.
Tag: prayer
The last third of the night
Is standing [during] the last third [of the night in prayer] best? [Please advise] with clarity of the time when the last third of the night is.
Missing the Fajr prayer
Missing the Fajr prayer and sleeping during its time instead of praying it, is from the greatest of the prohibited acts, and from the acts of the hypocrites.
Terminating the prayer
We see some people when they need to break [away from] their prayer [short] for some emergency, or to join [the congregation when] the imaam [is about to start the prayer], or if they have invalidated their prayer – they do the tasleem. So is this act [of theirs] correct, or will the intention [to terminate the prayer] suffice?
Made tayammum before time of Zhuhr arrived
Is it possible to pray an obligatory prayer with the [same] tayammum [which was done] for a voluntary prayer?
Only praying during Ramadhaan
We see many people who only pray during Ramadhaan, and when Ramadhaan ends, they abandon the masaajid. So what do you say to these people [O] noble Shaykh, and may Allaah reward you with good?
Did not fast during Ramadhaan for 4 years
I inform your excellency that I started my menses when I was young – approximately 13 years of age. And [thereafter] for 4 years the month of Ramadhaan passed by and I did not fast…
How many of us sit like this – especially during Jumu’ah?!
«Do you sit like those upon whom the Wrath of Allaah has descended?»
The origin of the Taraaweeh prayer
What has the taraaweeh [تراويح] prayer been named as such; what is the origin behind it?
He does not pray, but fasts during Ramadhaan
What is the ruling regarding the one who fasts [the month of] Ramadhaan, whilst he has abandoned the prayer?