[As a rule] there is no harm in you praying it (the taraaweeh prayer) at home, since it is [a] voluntary [prayer].
Tag: prayer
Praying the taraaweeh prayer at home
Establishing the night prayer [taraaweeh] in the masjid during Ramadhaan is a sunnah.
The importance of exercising patience
And the severity [of the trial] will come to an end, so do not prolong the calamity [by being impatient].
The Witr prayer
[Regarding] the Witr [prayer, then] its time begins from the moment [you] finish the ‘Ishaa prayer…
Delaying the Fajr prayer
As for those who delay the Fajr prayer until its time passes – while they are able to pray it on time, then their prayer is not accepted, even if they were to pray [it] 1,000 times!
From the signs of a relapse in eemaan
From the signs of a relapse [in your eemaan] is that…
Fajr in congregation
That I were to attend the morning (Fajr) prayer in congregation is indeed more beloved to me than if I were to stand the [whole] night [alone] in prayer.
Immense in reward, yet little in action
I do not know of a hadeeth which is so immense in reward, and [yet] little in action than the [following] hadeeth…
So you know that Fajr has a smell, right?
A man narrated [a story] to me, that in their town there was a blind man who knew the time of Fajr had arrived [just] by the smell [in the air]; yes, [just] by its smell – without actually [being able to] see it!
He is not considered a traveller
That is because in both cities, he is with his family.