Whoever prays the taraaweeh [prayers] must he then continue to pray them throughout Ramadhaan?
Tag: prayer
The superiority of the last ten nights of Ramadhaan and the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah
Regarding the [first] ten [days and nights] of Dhul-Hijjah and the [last] ten [days and nights] of Ramadhaan, which of the two are superior?
Drinking tea and coffee in-between the night prayer
What is the ruling regarding drinking tea or coffee after the two units (rak’atayn) of the night prayer?
Completing the taraaweeh prayer or accompanying the janaazah
Which of the two is better: Completing the taraaweeh prayer or accompanying the janaazah (the burial)?
Women going out for the ‘Eed al-Fitr prayer
Is it permissible for the woman to go out for the ‘Eed al-Fitr prayer?
Not praying throughout the year until Ramadhaan
We notice some of the Muslims neglecting their prayers throughout the months of the year, and when Ramadhaan arrives they hasten to [perform] the prayers and the fasting and reciting the Qur.aan…
The mu.adhdhin saying “and say all Praise for Him who has no offspring” before the adhaan
Is the saying of the mu.adhdhin “and say all Praise for Him who has no offspring” [و قل الحمد لله الذي لم يتخذ ولدا] an innovation?
Saying “O Allaah, improve our standing before You” after the iqaamah
Does saying “O Allaah, improve our standing before You” [اللهم أحسن وقوفنا بين يديك] have any origin?
Leaving off fasting due to laziness
Is a person who leaves off fasting due to laziness and heedlessness like the one that leaves off prayer in the respect that he is a disbeliever?