Is it permissible to abandon attending a masjid wherein there occur many innovations?
Tag: prayer
Sending prayers and salutations upon the Prophet loudly after the congregational prayers
What is the ruling regarding sending prayers [and salutations] upon the Prophet Muhammad loudly after the congregational prayers, and in the supplication after the congregational prayers?
Selling cigarettes, and praying having just smoked
I smoke and when I hear the muadhdhin, I enter the masjid. [So] is it obligatory upon me to repeat my wudhoo or is it enough to just rinse my mouth?
The best of rows for the men and the women whilst praying
If there exists a partition cover between the men and the women in the masaajid, then does the hadeeth apply, or is that done away with and the best of rows for the women become the front rows?
Voluntary prayers, tawaaf and reciting the Qur.aan
In al-Masjid al-Haraam (Makkah) during Ramadhaan, which is better to perform: voluntary prayers, tawaaf or reciting the Qur.aan?
Standing the night in prayer
Is standing the night in prayer done only in Ramadhaan or on every night of the year? And from which time does it begin and which time does it end?
The imaams changing the tone of their voice
Often some imaams in the masaajid attempt to soften the hearts of the people and affect them by changing the tone of their voices in the taraaweeh prayer and the Qunoot supplication.
Taraaweeh prayer on the night preceding the day of ‘Eed
With respect to the taraaweeh prayer on the night [preceding] the day of ‘Eed, is it to be completed or not?
The imaams elongating their supplication
Some imaams in the masaajid, in Ramadhaan, elongate their supplication, and some of them shorten them, so what is correct?
The woman’s prayer at home instead of al-Masjid al-Haraam
Which is better for the woman, to pray in her house or pray in al-Masjid al-Haraam (Makkah)?