What is best to do whilst travelling: combining the prayers at their earliest [permissible] time (jam’u taqdeem) or combining the prayers at their latest [permissible] time (jam’u ta.kheer)?
Tag: prayer
Praying between the pillars of the masjid
Is it permissible to break the row in the congregational prayer with the masjid’s pillars, if it is full of worshippers?
Joining the row behind the imaam
From where should the row begin in prayer, does it begin from behind the imaam, or from the far right?
Whoever stands the night in prayer
Whoever stands the night in prayer, Allaah will make easy for him his standing on the Day of Judgment.
Praying behind an imaam I dislike
I entered the masjid to pray, but I found an imaam whom I do not like to pray behind; what should I do so that I gain the reward for the congregational prayer?
I yearn to remain standing until my body aches
Talq ibn Habeeb would not go into rukoo’ once he started Soorah al-Baqarah until he reached (Soorah) al-‘Ankaboot.
Praying the obligatory prayer instead of tahiyyatul-masjid
Are the two rak’ahs of tahiyyatul-masjid obligatory for everyone who enters the masjid, even if one wishes to perform the obligatory prayer immediately?
He would only sleep a little at night
al-Haafiz ‘Abdul-Ghanee was coming to visit me in Asfahaan, and he would only sleep a little at night, instead [choosing to] pray, read and weep.
Abandoning the Salaat al-Fajr
What is the ruling regarding abandoning the Salaat al-Fajr?
Reciting a soorah after al-Faatihah in the third and fourth rak’ah
During the prayers which consist of three and four raka’aat, is it permissible to recite anything from the Qur.aan after having recited [Soorah] al-Faatihah…