What is the ruling on non-Muslims entering the masaajid?
Tag: prayer
Using shoes as a sutrah
What is the ruling regarding a worshipper placing his shoes in front of him and adopting them as his sutrah?
Straightening the rows by drawing lines on the masjid floor
What is the ruling regarding drawing lines on the masjid [floor] to [assist in] straightening the rows?
Praying twenty rak’ahs for the taraaweeh prayer
Is the one who prays twenty rak’ahs for the taraaweeh prayer considered to have opposed the Sunnah?
Pray as you see me praying
«Pray as you see me praying»
Waking his students up for Salaatul-Fajr
The Shaykh himself used to pass by the houses of his students in his car waking them up for Salaatul-Fajr.
Desperately in need of sleep
I noticed the sound of the Shaykh reciting in prayer; and this at a time when he was desperately in need of sleep and rest, [yet] he was standing before his Lord praying.
Reciting the Qur.aan in prayer
Indeed, Tameem ad-Daaree used to recite the [entire] Qur.aan in a [single] rak’ah.
Divide the night into three parts
And a third [in which] he would do salaah [pray].
Those who forsake their beds
Subhaa-nAllaah! I am a young man and have succumbed to sleep, and here is an old man who has succumbed to prayer and worship!