Is he required to [promptly] terminate his prayer in order to join the imaam [and congregation] in [the obligatory] prayer, or should he complete his prayer [first]?
Tag: prayer
The four rak’ahs before the ‘Asr prayer
In the hadeeth it mentions: «Allaah is merciful to the one who prays four [raka’aat] before the ‘Asr [prayer]» is this to be done before or after the adhaan?
Answering the call to prayer
If the call to prayer was made and Ibraaheem ibn Maymoon al-Marwazee had raised his hammer, he would not strike with it (i.e. he would immediately stop work), [and instead go and answer the call to prayer].
When the rulings related to travel come into effect
With respect to the traveller, when do the rulings related to travel begin and end?
Missing a prayer in congregation
Sa’eed ibn ‘Abdil-‘Azeez would weep if he missed a prayer in congregation (i.e. the obligatory congregational prayer).
Raising the hands in supplication during the Jumu’ah khutbah
What is the ruling regarding raising the hands during the supplication of the imaam in the jumu’ah khutbah?
Changing places to pray the Sunnah
Is there any evidence for changing places in order to offer the Sunnah prayer after the obligatory prayer?
The caravans of the pious and righteous have passed
Wake up O man! Night has passed, and day has arrived, and before you is a long journey and [yet you have] little provisions; The caravans of the pious and righteous have passed by and we have remained [behind].
Whoever is not concerned with the prayer
Whoever is not concerned with [preparing for] the prayer before its time, then he has not dignified or venerated it.
Moving the lips in recitation during the prayer
Is it imperative to move the lips in the prayer when supplicating or reciting, or is it sufficient to simply recite without moving the lips?