What should the worshipper do on the day of jumu’ah, if he arrives for the [jumu’ah] prayer and finds the imaam in the final tashahhud?
Tag: prayer
Travelling by plane and does not know direction of qiblah
A man travelling by plane does not know the direction of the qiblah, because no-one [on the plane] knew the direction [of the qiblah].
Where to place the chair when praying seated in congregation
…should he place the back legs of the chair in line with the people praying, or should he place the front legs in line with the feet of the people praying?
Changing the tone of your voice during the recitation
Some of the imaams try to stir the hearts of the people and affect them by changing the tone of their voices – sometimes during the taraaweeh prayer and the qunoot supplication.
Mistakenly prayed in other than the direction of the Qiblah
If a man mistakenly prayed in other than the direction of qiblah, and his mistake later became apparent to him before the time for prayer had passed, should he repeat his prayer?
Late sleeping room mate does not wake up for Fajr
I have tried alot to advise him, so what should I do with him? And is my remaining/staying with him considered as taking part with him in that which he does?
Looking up towards the sky during the eclipse prayer
Is it permissible to raise one’s head up [towards the sky] to look at the Sun during the Eclipse prayer?
The manner in which the index finger should be moved during the tashahhud
What is the manner [in which] the [index] finger should be moved during the prayer in tashahhud?
Air traffic controller’s shift coincides with the time for prayer
Sometimes his shift coincides with the time for prayer; if he takes a break from his duties to pray, he will be endangering the lives of the passengers. So what is the solution?
Leading the prayer
The time for prayer entered upon a group of scholars; So it was said to one of them to lead [the prayer], but he declined.