If a person finished reciting Soorah al-Faatihah in the quiet prayer (Zhuhr and ‘Asr), should he say ‘aameen’ or not?
Tag: prayer
Missed the prayer for rain
With regard to the prayer for rain, if a group [of people] enter [the masjid] and [find] the imaam is giving the sermon, after already having just completed the two rak’ah prayer [for rain in congregation], should they [now] offer the prayer [for rain themselves] or should they sit down [with the rest of the congregation] for the sermon? Also, is [the rain prayer] to be made up [if missed]? And [if it is], should they offer the prayer in congregation?
Pregnant woman praying sitting down
Is it permissible for a pregnant woman to pray sitting down/seated, if she fears miscarrying [her unborn child]?
Sincere in his worship
If any member of the household entered upon ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Abee Laylaa while he was [standing the night] praying, he would immediately jump into bed [out of humility, and remaining sincere in his worship to Allaah, and being far removed from showing off].
He would quietly stand the entire night in prayer
Ayyoob as-Sikhtiyaanee used to quietly stand the entire night in prayer, and in the morning [at the time of Fajr] he would raise his voice as if [giving the impression] he had just awoken at that time.
Obligatory prayer takes place whilst performing tawaaf or sa’ee
Whilst performing the sa’ee, the Maghrib prayer took place, so I prayed and thereafter [continued with and] completed the sa’ee; so is that sa’ee correct?
When to move the index finger during the tashahhud
When should the [index] finger be moved during the tashahhud?
Allocating specific supplications for particular days
Is it permissible for a Muslim to allocate specific supplications of remembrance for particular days, such that for every day, he allocates a specific supplication of remembrance?
Renting a building for use as a masjid
We have a rented place which we have assumed like a musallaa [where we] pray the obligatory five and the jumu’ah. This place is not owned by the Muslims, rather it is rented?
The iqaamah for the women’s prayer
Are the women required to call the iqaamah when they gather for the prayer?