What is the ruling regarding the one who left the maghrib prayer on the night of the wedding, and she then made it up at another time?
Tag: prayer
Used to stand the night in prayer
Sa’eed ibn ‘Abdul-‘Azeez used to stand the night in prayer, and when the time of Fajr entered he would renew his wudhoo and leave [home] for the masjid.
The Shaykh detested painkillers
The Shaykh detested (analgesic) painkillers, as one of the doctors who was treating him said
I supplicate to Allaah for ash-Shaafi’ee
I supplicate to Allaah for ash-Shaafi’ee, even in my prayers (salaah).
There are six for whom I pray in secret
There are six {people] for whom I pray in secret, one of them being ash-Shaafi’ee.
Engaging in seeking forgiveness
Every night, Wakee’ ibn al-Jarraah would not sleep until he had read a third of the Qur.aan. Then, during the last [third] of the night he would stand in prayer and recite the al-Mufassal. He would then sit and engage in seeking forgiveness (al-istighfaar) until the arrival of Fajr.
The prayer for need and memorising the Qur.aan
I have heard about the prayer of need and the prayer for memorising the Qur.aan; So are these two prayers [legislated] or not?
Praying the witr prayer and adhaan for fajr is called
A man prays the witr prayer, and during his prayer the mu.adh.dhin calls the adhaan for the fajr salaah. So what is the ruling [here], should he complete his [witr] prayer, or what should he do?
Dignifying and venerating the prayer
A man [once] said, from [the actions which] dignify and venerate the prayer is to arrive [for it] before the iqaamah.
Awake in prayer at night
I used to know Ahmad ibn Hanbal when he was [just] a little boy, and he would remain awake at night standing in prayer.