‘Anas (radhi-yallaahu ‘anhu) used to pray until his feet swelled with blood, as a result of elongating his prayer, standing [in prayer] at night.
Tag: prayer
Purifying oneself with water
Is it obligatory upon the bedouin to purify himself with water when he arrives at a town?
So he was not overcome by sleep
Safwaan ibn Saleem used to stand in prayer on the roof on a cold night so that he is not overcome by sleep.
Nor have I seen the back of a man
For fifty years, I never [once] missed the initial takbeer [upon beginning the congregational prayer], and nor have I seen the back of a man in the [congregational] prayer [since].
Following the iqaamah
What is the ruling regarding following the iqaamah [just as one follows the adhaan – repeating the words of the muadh.dhin]
Nothing more desirable has remained
In this world, nothing more desirable has remained than prayer in congregation, and [subsequently] meeting the brothers.
I have not seen any better prayer
I have not seen any better prayer than that of Muhammad ibn Nasr. A house fly settled upon his ear, and he did not [even] try to brush it away. And we were amazed at the gracefulness of his prayer, and his concentration and state; He would place his chin upon his chest and then stand upright as if he was an erect piece of wood.
Finding water after completing the prayer with tayammum
And if he were to find water [after completing the prayer], then he is not [required] to repeat the prayer. This is the opinion of the four math.habs (Hanafee, Maalikee, Shaafi’ee, Hanbalee)?
What bit me?
al-Imaam al-Bukhaaree was praying one night and a wasp bit him seventeen times. So when he finished praying, he said: Have a look and see what hurt (bit) me.
Little birds would descend and settle upon his back
When Ibraaheem at-Teemee would prostrate, little birds would [descend and] settle upon his back, as if he was a wooden fence.