Ayyoob as-Sikhtiyaanee would secretly stand the night in prayer, and when dawn came he would raise his voice as if [to suggest to his family] he had just awoken.
Tag: prayer
Never missed the initial takbeer
Regarding Bishr ibn Mansoor, it was said that he never missed the initial takbeer [upon beginning the congregational prayer].
I do not find anything in my heart more desirable
I do not find anything in my heart more desirable than standing the night in prayer.
You would say he was dead
I saw Habeeb ibn Abee Thaabit in prostration, and if you saw him, you would say he was dead due to the length of his prostration.
Prolonging the prayers
Yazeed and Hushaym were known for prolonging their night and day prayers.
Leave me to my remembrance of Allaah
When Ahmad ibn Harb would sit before the barber to have his moustache trimmed, he would engage in the glorification of Allaah. So the barber would say to him: Can you just shutup for a while! And he would respond: You just do your job [and leave me to my remembrance of Allaah].
Ready and waiting for the prayer inside the masjid
Apart from when I have been ill or travelling, for the last forty years, never has the muadh.dhin ever made the call for the zhuhr prayer except that I have been [ready and waiting for the prayer] inside the masjid.
Passing in front of the one praying in Makkah
In al-Masjid al-Haraam, there is no sin in passing in front of the one who is praying, as this is permissible according to the majority of the scholars.
The night prayer
I am not aware that my father ever missed the night prayer.
I would think he was ill
Never did I see him pray, except that I would think he was ill.