If a person misses the ‘Eed prayer, then he should make up for it in its [known] manner.
Tag: prayer
Praying the obligatory prayer before its appointed time
A group [of people] offered some of [the] obligatory prayers before their appointed time; having checked the [prayer] timetable, it is apparent they prayed a number of minutes before [the appointed time]?
I have not seen a better prayer
From amongst the group of our scholars, I have not seen a better prayer than that of Muhammad ibn Hamdoon.
He was always praying
Never did we visit Abu ash-Shaykh [al-Asbahaanee], except that he was in prayer.
Too cold to take a bath or shower
On this particular day, he awoke just before the fajr prayer and [noticed] he had had a wet dream; and [as] it was a severely cold day, he went off to school for the fajr prayer after having [only] done tayammum.
When to make up missed prayers
[He] was ill and they did surgery on him; [as a result] he missed a number of obligatory prayers, so is he required to pray them all together once he has recovered, or should he pray all these obligatory prayers at their appointed times, such as [making-up] the [missed] ‘asr [prayer] at the time of the ‘asr prayer, and the [missed] zhuhr [prayer] at the time of the zhuhr prayer, and the [missed] maghrib [prayer] at the time of the maghrib prayer, and so on?
Doing wudhoo in airplane toilet
[Whilst travelling by plane] I went to the toilet to relieve myself, and some urine dropped on my clothing; so I sprinkled some water on the affected area and rubbed it. Is [doing] this sufficient in purifying [my garment]? Bear in mind I then made wudhoo and prayed; so what is the ruling regarding my prayer?
Need to do wudhoo in airplane toilet
The toilets on the plane are cramped, and sometimes the floor and the walls are dirty from what appears to look like impurities…
Standing in prayer or sitting in remembrance
I never came across Ibraaheem ibn Hammaad except that I found him [either] standing in prayer or sitting in [the] remembrance [of Allaah].
So as not to fall asleep
In the Summer, Safwaan ibn Saleem would pray [the night prayer] inside his home, and during the Winter he would pray on the roof so as [to remain alert and] not to fall asleep [whilst praying].