I saw ath-Thowree in the Haram (al-Masjid al-Haraam, Makkah) after maghrib; He prayed [the maghrib prayer] and then went into prostration, and did not rise [from the prostration] until the call for the ‘ishaa prayer was made.
Tag: prayer
Leaving for the ‘Eed prayer
[On the day of ‘Eed] is it from the Sunnah to go to the place of prayer on foot, or by transport?
Engage in dhikr before praying the Sunnah prayer
I read [somewhere] that engaging in dhikr audibly after the obligatory prayer is a Sunnah; so what is the guiding rule regarding raising the voice [when doing so] since sometimes this causes inconvenience to those who are engaged in praying the Sunnah prayer?
Relentless weeping
I was unable to listen to the recitation of ath-Thowree due to his relentless weeping.
Standing the night in prayer
I never raised my head at night (i.e. woke up) except that I saw Moosaa ibn Abee ‘Aa.ishah standing in prayer.
Except the day when my mother passed away
I remained for forty years, and never [once] missed the initial takbeer [upon beginning the congregational prayer], except the day when my mother passed away.
Latecomer takes a child’s place in line
If a young child is standing in line [for the prayer], is it permissible for whoever arrives late to move him to the back or should he stand in line beside him? If it is not permissible to move him back, what is the ruling if he is then unable to perform the prayer properly?
My health has forsaken me
My health has forsaken me, and I have become weak, and my bones are bruised, [yet] today I [still] stand for prayer, but am only able to recite [soorahs] al-Baqarah and Aal-‘Imraan.
Addressing the imaam whilst in prayer
If the imaam goes into the rukoo’ position before me, is it permissible for me to say ‘Subhaa-nAllaah’ so as to alert him to wait for me or [even] say ‘Indeed. Allaah is with those who are patient’ so that he waits for me or should I not do any of the above?
That was not a treetrunk
O my son, that was not a [tree]trunk, that was Mansoor who [only] recently passed away.