What is the Sunnah when it comes to the wife praying with her husband? Should she stand in line next to her husband, or behind him?
Tag: prayer
Numerous jamaa’aat in the masjid
What is the ruling about the numerous jamaa’aat [established for the obligatory salaah – taking place] in a single masjid, particularly when some of them pray after the imaam has completed [the first jamaa’ah], and some others intentionally delay [their arrival] until after the imaam [has completed the first jamaa’ah], so they can pray with another jamaa’ah?
Privately, he would weep profusely
When Abu Waa.il would pray [a voluntary prayer] in his home, he would weep profusely; [and such was the level of his humility that] if the entire world was offered to him to do [the same] so someone could see him – he would not do so.
Not be seen to be praying voluntary prayers
I have not seen a man [whom Allaah has] raised [in rank] like Maalik ibn Anas; he would not be seen to be praying voluntary prayers, nor voluntary fasting – yet he must have had a secret [hoard of righteous deeds].
Out of his fear of showing off
ar-Rabee’ ibn Khuthaym only ever prayed a voluntary prayer in his local masjid once.
Hiding his daily routine from others
My father would not sleep [at night] until he had read half of the Qur.aan, and when he finished his recitation, he would wrap himself in his cloak then take a short nap.
Never once saw him praying a voluntary prayer
I accompanied Muhammad ibn Aslam for more than 20 years, and never once saw him praying a voluntary prayer except on the day of Jumu’ah; [I understood why, when] I once heard him saying: ‘If I was able to pray a voluntary prayer such that my two angels could not see me, I would have done so – out of fear of showing off’.
A child leading the congregation in prayer
Is it permissible for a young child to lead the prayer?
If anyone did speak to him, he would respond to them
al-Awzaa’ee would not speak to anyone after the fajr prayer until [after] he had engaged himself in the remembrance of Allaah; And if anyone did speak to him, he would respond to them.
Did not rise until the adhaan for ‘ishaa
I saw ath-Thowree in the Haram after [the] maghrib [prayer]; He prayed, then descended into prostration and did not rise until the call (adhaan) for the ‘ishaa prayer [was made].