Is it correct that the one who does not pray the congregational prayer because the imaam is an innovator – is himself an innovator, bearing in mind the imaam’s bid’ah is not one of disbelief?
Tag: prayer
Praying having forgotten to do wudhoo
I forgetfully prayed without [being in the state of] wudhoo, and after I finished [my prayer] I remembered; so am I required to repeat the prayer?
Invites others to do good, but does not do himself
If a caller [to Islaam] invites [someone] to [do] something which he is unable to do himself – even after having tried – but finds the one he is inviting will be able to do it, should he [still] invite him to do it?
Safeguarding the prayer in congregation
From the greatest righteous acts by which men can draw near to Allaah, is to safeguard the[ir] prayer in congregation.
A traveller praying with local residents
A traveller arrived [in town] and found the [local] people praying [the] ‘asr [prayer]; they had [already] prayed two rak’ahs, [so] he joined them for the [final] two rak’ahs. [Considering he is a traveller, should he suffice with just praying these two rak’ahs with them or] should he complete the prayer [by praying all four rak’ahs]?
Praying the sunnah prayer whilst sitting down
I have noticed many [Muslims] from India praying the sunnah [units of prayer] whilst sitting down – despite their good health [and ability to do so standing]. So is praying the sunnah prayer whilst standing better than praying it whilst sitting down for the one who is in good health?
Praying the night prayer
Before [praying] the Witr [prayer], he prays two rak’ahs and recites what he is able to of the Qur.aan; [so] is this considered [to be] the night prayer?
Prayer mats with images
On 7 Rajab 1414, when asked about sitting on prayer mats upon which are images of al-Masjid al-Haraam and [al-Masjid] al-Aqsaa, Shaykh Ibn Baaz said: It is most appropriate to leave [doing so].
The best of prayers
«The [prayer which is considered to be the] best of prayers to Allaah is [the] morning (Fajr) prayer in congregation on the day of Jumu’ah»
He would weep
If Sa’eed ibn Abdil-Azeez [ever] missed the congregational prayer, he would weep.