If Sa’eed ibn ‘Abdil-’Azeez missed the congregational prayer, he would weep.
Tag: prayer
Never missed the first takbeer
al-A’mash was nearly seventy years [of age], yet he never missed the first takbeer [at the start of the congregational prayer].
Even though he had an excuse not to go
‘Aamir ibn ‘Abdillaah heard the mu.adhin [calling the adhaan], and said: ‘Take me by the hand [to the masjid].’
Wash your hands of him!
If you see a man who is careless in [catching] the first takbeer [at the start of the congregational prayer], then wash your hands of him!
In the masjid, and ready for prayer
For [the last] thirty years, the mu.adhin has not called the adhaan except that I have been in the masjid [ready for the congregational prayer].
The congregational prayer
I have not missed the prayer in congregation for [the last] forty years.
Always giving away in charity
Never would an hour pass him except that he would give something away in charity, and if he did not have anything [to give away in charity], he would [then] pray two rak’ahs [of voluntary prayer].
Praying in other than the direction of the qiblah
What is the ruling [in a situation] where it has become apparent the prayer was performed in other than the direction of the qiblah – after having made ijtihaad? And is there a difference between whether this was in a Muslim country or not?
Tomorrow is the Day of Judgement
I saw Safwaan ibn Sulaym, and [such was the level of his worship, that] if it was said to him ‘tomorrow is [the Day of] Judgement’, he would be unable to do any more than what he was already doing.
Shackled by your sins
If you are unable to establish the [voluntary] night prayer, nor [voluntarily] fast during the day, then know that you have been prevented [from doing these great acts of worship], because you have been shackled by your sins.