What is the ruling regarding using rosary (prayer) beads for tasbeeh?
Tag: prayer
Uttering words of remembrance a hundred times
O noble Shaykh, I utter the words of remembrance of Allaah a hundred times, so is this form of remembrance something which has been legislated or not?
Audibly uttering the words of remembrance
Is it a requirement that the words of remembrance are uttered audibly?
Congregational supplication after the prayer
I am asking about the congregational supplication after the prayer, where the imaam supplicates and the rest [of the congregation] respond [by saying] ‘aameen’. [Does Allaah] respond to the supplication done in this manner?
Supplicating for his father who died whilst having abandoned the prayer
Is it permissible for a son to supplicate for his father who has died whilst having abandoned the prayer?
Raising the hands in supplication after the prayer
Has [anything been] reported from the Prophet ﷺ that he would raise his hands in supplication after the obligatory prayer?
The best supplication
What is the best supplication which is recommended to oft-repeat?
Supplicating during the adhaan
What is the ruling of supplicating [to Allaah] during the adhaan?
Disciplined and consistent
His set portion [of worship] every night was [to pray] twenty rak’ahs whilst at home and [also when on] travels. And when he would be done with them, he would write thirty five pages of his book.
He repented and returned back to Islaam
If a person who stopped praying repented, and then returned to [worshiping] his Lord – would he be required to verbalise the testimony of faith as well as having a wash (bath or shower)?