Sometimes I cannot find any water [to do wudhoo with], nor sand [or soil to do tayammum with], so what should I do when I want to pray?
Tag: prayer
Just had a bath, and too cold to go to masjid for Fajr
If the weather is cold, and a man in the state of janaabah (major sexual impurity) had [just] taken a bath [or shower], and [as such] he fears by going out for the Fajr prayer would be harmful for him, would he then be allowed to pray at home?
Combining the prayers when she returns home from work
This woman is from Russia, and she has recently embraced Islaam. She says that she works amongst the disbelievers, and [as a result] she does not pray until [she returns home in] the evening, whereby she combines all of the prayers. So what is the ruling regarding her combing all her prayers?
Praying with complete submission and humility
When praying, some people do not do so with complete submission and humility, so does this [in any way] reduce their reward?
Missed prayers during the days he was unconscious
What is the preponderant opinion regarding the one who has been unconscious for more than three days; is he required to make up the prayers he has missed whilst he was unconscious?
Suffering from incontinence
How should the one suffering from incontinence purify himself, if it is constantly dripping?
The imaam forgetfully missed a prostration
‘Every one [of the congregation] should individually prostrate a prostration [of forgetfulness].’
So he sat down and did not leave
al-Arqam ibn Abil-Arqam made preparations to travel to Bayt al-Maqdis (al-Masjid al-Aqsaa, Jerusalem)…
Do not marry your daughter to him
A man approached me to seek my daughter’s hand in marriage, and later it became apparent to me that he does not pray, so what should I do?
Before putting pen to paper
I did not put [pen to paper and record] any hadeeth in my book “Saheeh [al-Bukhaaree]” except that I washed before [doing so], and then prayed two rak’ahs.