Is there any expiation for the one who has died whilst having prayers and fasts which he had not made up for? And what [form does this] expiation [take]?
Tag: prayer
Prays when he wakes up
Whoever sleeps and misses the prayer, and thereafter prays after its time has passed – would it be accepted [from him]?
Don’t know if congregation are in last rak’ah or not
A man entered the masjid, and the imaam had just arisen from the rukoo’ [position], and [as such] he does not know whether it is the final rak’ah or not. The question is, should he join the imaam [in congregation], or should he wait so he can confirm for sure?
Stopped praying when she saw some blood
If a woman notices [some] blood, and thereby stops praying, would she then have to make-up the prayers she has missed if the [flow of] blood stops within that day?
Raising the index finger at the mention of Allaah
[Whilst in prayer] some people raise their index finger when the imaam mentions the name of Allaah during his recitation; so is this [raising of the finger in this manner] legislated?
He was the most humblest of all the people
He would teach the people and have them read the Qur.aan to him. And when they would finish, he would [turn to] occupy himself in prayer.
Just embraced Islaam, and time for prayer has arrived
A man embraced Islaam, and the time for prayer arrived – but he had not [yet] memorised any of the Qur.aan, and needed some time to do so. So is it permissible for him to pray as he is, or is he required to memorise some [verses of the] Qur.aan [first]?
Doubt after completing an act of worship
After completing the prayer, I began to doubt whether I [sat and] recited the first tashahhud or not. So what is the ruling [regarding that]?
Because of the abundance of his prayers
Abu Haneefah used to be called a stake [of wood], because of the abundance of his [standing in] prayer.
No water to do wudhoo, nor sand to do tayammum
Sometimes I cannot find any water [to do wudhoo with], nor sand [or soil to do tayammum with], so what should I do when I want to pray?