Abu Bakr al-Anbaaree said that al-Imaam, al-Haafith Abu ‘Ubayd would divide the night into thirds; so he would pray a third of it, and sleep a third of it, and author books [during] a third of it.
Tag: prayer
Repeating the wording of the iqaamah with the mu.adhdhin
Whilst the mu.adhdhin calls the iqaamah, should I repeat what he is saying?
Young child calling the adhaan
Is it acceptable for a young child who is between 6 and 7 years old to call the adhaan?
Poverty and hardship
So ‘Abdur-Razzaaq asked about him, and was told he had not eaten anything for the last three days.
Saying what the caller to prayer says
When the mu.adhdhin says «الصلاة خير من النوم» should the one who hears [the adhaan] say «لا حول و لا قوة إلاّ بالله» or what should he respond with?
Using a microphone for calling the adhaan
Whoever says that [using] the microphone suffices [the mu.adhdhin] from turning [the heard a little to the right and left] during the adhaan; is his opinion correct?
Hearing the adhaan via radio
Sometimes I hear the adhaan from the Haram via radio, and it is live. [Bearing in mind] I am in Riyadh and we have already prayed, if I was to repeat [the adhaan] after [the mu.adhdhin] will I be rewarded for that?
Daily prayers when daylight is only 2 hours
What should one do when the day is only 2 hours long, as this occurs in some European countries? How should the times for prayer be estimated?
Turning the head when calling the adhaan
Is it permissible to turn [one’s head] right [a little] when saying « حي على الصلاة », and left [a little] when saying « حي على الفلاح »?
Responding to the call to prayer
If we are outdoors, such as a farm or a recreational villa, and we hear the sounds of the various callers to prayer from afar, are we required to respond to their call to prayer [by going to the masjid for prayer]?