Is the prayer wearing only a vest correct, bearing in mind most of his shoulders remain uncovered?
Tag: prayer
Praying wearing only the lower part of the ihraam
Sometimes in Makkah, some men pray wearing the lower part of their ihraam, without the upper part; so should they be advise not to do so?
Tahiyyatul-masjid or two rak’ahs of Fajr
If I entered the masjid after the adhaan of the Fajr prayer [has been called], should I pray the two rak’ahs of tahiyyatul-masjid, and then pray the two [Sunnah] rak’ahs of Fajr?
The epitome of humility
For fourteen years, ‘Abdoos prayed the morning (Fajr) prayer with the [same] wudhoo [as he had prayed] the ‘Ishaa [prayer]. And he was the epitome of humility.
Discipline and perseverance
Asad ibn ‘Amr said that for forty years, Abu Haneefah prayed the ‘Ishaa [prayer] and the morning (Fajr) prayer with [the same] wudhoo.
Sufficing with an audio recording of the adhaan
In some of the masjids the adhaan is called using an audio recording; so is this act [something which is] legislated?
Only two hours of sleep
During [every] day and night, Ibn ‘Ataa would [only] sleep for two hours.
Selection criteria for the caller to prayer
When it comes to selecting a mu.adhdhin [to call the adhaan], should we look at how loud his call [to prayer] is, or how beautiful it is?
In prayer and supplication until the morning
Every day, my father would read a seventh [of the Qur.aan], and he would take a very light sleep after ‘Ishaa. He would then [awake and] stand [the night] in prayer and supplicate until the morning.
Wearing tight-fitting or see-through garments
If someone wears a garment which shows some parts of his body from underneath, such as his thighs and shoulders, is his prayer [in that garment] correct?