Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Sulaymaan ar-Ruhaylee said: Always ask Allaah to help you with yourself, particularly at this time. The temptations are many, and the distractions are many. How much we are need of Allaah to help us! We are in prostration in every prayer, and we are in prostration in […]
Tag: prayer
Supplicating for the Rulers
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: And [regarding the rulers of the Muslims] – from asking Allaah, it is from our right that we ask Allaah for their guidance and success, and that they do what is required [of them]. Unlike some of the people whom we [can only] describe as […]
Persistently breaking wind
[O] Noble Shaykh, [regarding] someone who is afflicted with the persistent passing of wind, how should he pray?
The prayer of the one suffering from bowel problems and wind
[Regarding] the one suffering from bowel problems and [also] the one who has wind problems – does the ruling of the one suffering from incontinence apply to them [too], that they must renew their wudhoo for every prayer?
Leaving off performing the voluntary prayer whilst travelling
Should the traveller whose stay will be less than four days, completely leave off performing the voluntary prayer?
Devote yourself for the Hereafter
Visit our YouTube channel for more We ask Allaah to awaken our hearts! By Allaah, the human being [my] brothers, how long will he be distracted by [pleasures of] the world? [Take this sincere advice…] If Allaah Ta’aala has provided you with what is [reasonably] sufficient for your worldly affairs, [then] devote yourself for the […]
Making up prayers which were intentionally missed
When I was a reckless young man, during the period of my youth, I abandoned the prayer (salaah) for a period of six months; [thereafter] Allaah bestowed upon me guidance and uprightness, and [the conviction to] preserve the [daily] prayers at their [appointed] times. [Now] should I make up the prayers which I had abandoned early on in my life? And are prayers [ever] required to be made up?
He wept, yet do you even make the effort to get to the masjid for the prayer?
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This blind man makes the effort; do you?
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The prayer of the woman with her husband
What is the Sunnah regarding [the manner of] the prayer of the woman with her husband? Should she stand in line by his side, or should she pray behind him?