How many prayers have been abandoned by those following World Cup football matches, even in Ramadhaan, the month of the Qur.aan!!
Tag: pray
Not be seen to be praying voluntary prayers
I have not seen a man [whom Allaah has] raised [in rank] like Maalik ibn Anas; he would not be seen to be praying voluntary prayers, nor voluntary fasting – yet he must have had a secret [hoard of righteous deeds].
If anyone did speak to him, he would respond to them
al-Awzaa’ee would not speak to anyone after the fajr prayer until [after] he had engaged himself in the remembrance of Allaah; And if anyone did speak to him, he would respond to them.
Did not rise until the adhaan for ‘ishaa
I saw ath-Thowree in the Haram after [the] maghrib [prayer]; He prayed, then descended into prostration and did not rise until the call (adhaan) for the ‘ishaa prayer [was made].
Relentless weeping
I was unable to listen to the recitation of ath-Thowree due to his relentless weeping.
Standing the night in prayer
I never raised my head at night (i.e. woke up) except that I saw Moosaa ibn Abee ‘Aa.ishah standing in prayer.
Except the day when my mother passed away
I remained for forty years, and never [once] missed the initial takbeer [upon beginning the congregational prayer], except the day when my mother passed away.
My health has forsaken me
My health has forsaken me, and I have become weak, and my bones are bruised, [yet] today I [still] stand for prayer, but am only able to recite [soorahs] al-Baqarah and Aal-‘Imraan.
That was not a treetrunk
O my son, that was not a [tree]trunk, that was Mansoor who [only] recently passed away.
He was always praying
Never did we visit Abu ash-Shaykh [al-Asbahaanee], except that he was in prayer.