Suwayd ibn Ghafalah would lead us in the night prayer during the month of Ramadhaan, while he had reached 120 years [of age].
Tag: pray
Prolong the night prayer
Whoever prolongs the night prayer, Allaah will facilitate for him his standing on the Day of Resurrection.
Ask for me at the graveyard
It has been narrated about Ibn Khafeef that he suffered from a hip pain, and if it became severe it would prevent him from any movement…
In the masjid, and ready for prayer
For [the last] thirty years, the mu.adhin has not called the adhaan except that I have been in the masjid [ready for the congregational prayer].
The congregational prayer
I have not missed the prayer in congregation for [the last] forty years.
Always giving away in charity
Never would an hour pass him except that he would give something away in charity, and if he did not have anything [to give away in charity], he would [then] pray two rak’ahs [of voluntary prayer].
Avoid gatherings of backbiting and slander
When you have prayed, why do you not sit with us?
Entering the masjid
Never have I passed through a door of the masjid and had other than Allaah on my mind.
He would weep
If Sa’eed ibn Abdil-Azeez [ever] missed the congregational prayer, he would weep.
Facing the fire whilst praying
At home, I have a [room setup like the inside of a] tent in which there is a fireplace, and sometimes during the Winter I am forced to pray [both] the obligatory and voluntary prayers in this room – and [in doing so] I face the fire[place]; so is this permissible?