Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan said: Then, as for you O Father! Observe your children[’s activities] – [even] outside the home. Where did they go? Who do they mix with? Ask the teachers, and those responsible for [running] the school about the behaviour of your child, and [likewise] his tendencies, and about […]
Tag: parents
They are the ones who will succeed you when you die
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan said: Take care of your children. Your profitable ‘trade’ [with Allaah] is undoubtedly your children. If you nurture them [well], and [with] good guidance for them, then they are your real ‘trade’ with Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala). And they are the ones who [will] pray for you […]
Upholding your duty towards your children
Is the corruption of children [through poor nurturing considered as] a tribulation?
Valuable advice for parents on the advent of the new academic year
The academic year has just begun, and parents are eager to send their children to school…
Valuable advice for teachers
Parents have left their children under your [care and] responsibility at school, [so be sure to] teach them that which benefits them…
Disobedience towards parents
[O] Noble Shaykh Saalih, do you have any word[s] of guidance to the one who is disobedient to his parents, especially the mother.
Are children a blessing or a curse?
When children are upon goodness, is this a blessing [from Allaah]; and when they are corrupt, are they a curse?
Displays of love towards my parents
Is it permissible to kiss the [fore]head of a parent if he only prays sometimes or not at all?
‘Umrah on behalf of deceased father who had already performed ‘umrah
[Regarding] the ‘umrah O noble Shaykh, if he (the son) wants to gift [the reward of] an ‘umrah to his deceased father, even though he (the father) had done ‘umrah himself…
The Fajr prayer
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez ibn Baaz said: Many people neglect their family and their children, especially regarding the Fajr prayer! And this is a great abomination. So it is the duty of every believer to take care of his children and family regarding all the prayers. He should instruct them, teach […]