I had a disagreement with a man, and we took the matter to court where he was asked to swear an oath [that he was telling the truth], but [in actual fact] he was lying. So what is the recompense for someone who swears an oath upon the Qur.aan based upon a lie?
Tag: oath
The false oath
In the presence of my friends, sisters and teachers, I swear an oath based on a lie, whilst [at the same time] in my heart I seek forgiveness from Allaah by oft-repeating al-istighfaar – without anyone knowing about it; am I still sinful for doing so?
Swearing an oath based upon a lie
If someone swore an oath on a matter – knowing it to be a lie, and afterwards he said “I seek forgiveness from Allaah, and repent unto Him” – what is the ruling regarding that? And is he required to expiate [for that sin]?
A young child undertaking an oath
If a non-pubescent made an oath, is he required to fulfill it?
Undertook an oath to slaughter a particular sheep
A person undertook an oath to slaughter a particular sheep, however, that particular sheep died without any negligence on his part. So is he [now] required to replace [the sheep and slaughter] it?
Sometimes a doctor needs to lie to the patient
Sometimes a doctor needs to lie to the patient, particularly when his condition does not permit him to comprehend the [full extent of the] situation he is in, so [in this case] has the doctor sinned?
The fast for expiating an oath done over non-consecutive days
Is the fast for expiating an oath (kaffaaratul-yameen) required to be done consecutively over three days?
Expiating an oath by feeding a single person instead of ten
Regarding the expiation of an oath, what is the [required] amount for feeding a poor and destitute person?
Expiating an oath by paying the poor and destitute money
Regarding the expiation of an oath (kaffaaratul-yameen), could you please advise us about the manner in which the obligation of feeding the ten poor and destitute [must take]?
Lying with the intention to reconcile
My mother and father argue incessantly, and as their children, we are compelled to lie to them in order to reconcile between them. So is this permissible?