What is better: [is it] to give zakaah to poor and needy relatives whom I am not financially responsible for, or that I give it to the poor and needy neighbour?
Tag: neighbour
The smart and intelligent one
The smart and intelligent one is he who does not scrutinise every small and big issue with his family, loved ones, companions and neighbours.
Concern for his neighbour
Indeed, I would not wear a new garment out of fear [it would cause] my neighbour [to] be jealous [towards me], when he wasn’t before.
Accepting the wedding invitation of the Rawaafidh and eating their meat
What is the ruling regarding accepting the wedding invitation of the Rawaafidh (Shee’ah)? And is their meat halaal for us?
Remembering Allaah in the marketplace
The likes of the one who remembers Allaah in the marketplace, is comparable to a green [and healthy] tree amongst dead trees.
Seeking forgiveness aplenty
Never has a slave [of Allaah] had a better neighbour in his grave than [the reward of having] plentifully sought forgiveness.
Rights of the neighbours
We will postpone our recording [session] for some time until they finish their work.