Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: However, [regarding] i’tikaaf, its reality is for the person to remain in the masjid for [the purpose of] worshipping Allaah ‘Azza wa Jall. Not for the purpose of people gathering together with one another, and chatting about that which is of no benefit; this is certainly […]
Tag: masjid
Valuable advice for parents on the advent of the new academic year
The academic year has just begun, and parents are eager to send their children to school…
He wept, yet do you even make the effort to get to the masjid for the prayer?
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This blind man makes the effort; do you?
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Attending the masjid and having a bad smell
Often, in some masaajid there is a bad smell – such as [that of] garlic, onions, [tobacco] smoke – [something indicative of some of the congregation] paying [little or] no attention to the cleanliness of their clothes, nor respecting the sanctity of the prayer and the masaajid, not to mention the other members of the congregation; so what is your advice to these people?
Combining the two Sunnah rak’ahs of Fajr along with the Tahiyyatul-Masjid
[And] the second question [is] when he enters the masjid, he prays the [two Sunnah] rak’ahs of the Fajr [prayer], and combines it with the tahiyyatul-masjid; [is that] permissible?
The length of the i’tikaaf
Is there a specified [length of] time for the i’tikaaf?
Seeking a divorce from one who does not pray in the masjid
One of the sisters asks: If my husband does not pray the congregational prayer in the masjid with the [rest of] the Muslims, do I [have the right to] seek divorce and separation from him?
Prayer in dirty clothes
[O] shaykh, [what is your opinion regarding] those who go for prayer wearing dirty clothes?
The imaam waiting in rukoo’
This questioner is saying, is it legislated for the imaam – whilst in rukoo’ – to wait for those inside the masjid to join him [and the congregation in prayer]?