After what I have experienced of her for the last 14 years, I no longer want to be responsible for her.
Tag: manners
My mother asks me too many questions
[It was then that] her dealings with me began to change, and her love [towards me] changed to dislike, and my life with her became very difficult.
Regularly visiting my parents
With my husband’s consent, I want to visit my parents, brothers and sisters who all live in Yemen, so if I find a mahram then this simplifies matters. So am I considered to be squandering my husband’s money by taking these visits every year?
Something special for my wife
I live [together] with my father, my mother, my wife and my brothers in one house, and sometimes I bring something specifically for my wife to eat – without my parents knowing [about it]. And privately together, my wife and I eat; so what is the ruling regarding that?
Be dutiful to your parents
Whoever raises his voice at his parents whilst in a state of anger, is he sinful for doing that? And should he seek their forgiveness [for doing so]?
You are unable to please all of the people
Indeed, you are unable to please all of the people, so rectify that which is between you and Allaah, and do not concern yourself with [what] the people [may think or say].
Does not know if such-and-such an act is reprehensible
When I see a reprehensible act, and I do not completely know the Islaamic ruling regarding it, then I do not say anything to the one doing it; so am I correct in doing this or not?
From the etiquettes of debating
al-Muwaffaq [Ibn Qudaamah] would not debate anyone, except that he would smile [whilst doing so].
The best perfume
The best perfume in this life is your [good] character; its fragrance remains [even] after your death.
Noble manners
“My father has arrived in ‘Unayzah to convey greetings to you, I hope you will convey your greetings to him before you leave.”