Kissing the forehead of the elderly is [an act of] reverence and honour [towards them]. It is [merely] a practice and not an act of worship; as [can be] seen from this [narration]…
Tag: love
From the mistakes which parents fall into
From the mistakes which parents fall into when uttering wrong words in front of their children, is that they censure the children when they utter them [too]!
How to please your parents
You please them with three things; that the child…
A smile and a welcoming face
To meet people with a smile and a welcoming face is indeed from the characteristics of Prophethood, and [something which] is contrary to pride and arrogance, and [instead] a cause for friendship and love.
Knowledge of Allaah and actions for His Sake alone
The pleasure which remains after death, and [that which] benefits in the Hereafter is the pleasure [attained] from knowledge of Allaah and actions for His Sake [alone].
The greatest gift for the parents
Some children give their parents gifts, and this is nice, and being good to them, and [a show of] affection [to them] – may Allaah reward them with good.
Love of the Ansaar of the Sunnah
«the sign of the hypocrite is hatred of the Ansaar, and the sign of the believer is love of the Ansaar»
His heart is empty of the love of Allaah
So if you see a man whose taste and desire is for listening to verses [of poetry] rather than verses [of the Qur.aan], and for listening to music rather than the Qur.aan…
Reflect at the wisdom of Allaah
And look at the wisdom of Allaah and His love for the coming together of the hearts [of the believers].
When someone does you a favour or a good turn
Whoever does you [a favour or] a good turn, particularly in terms of your religion, and [offering you sincere] advice, and encouraging you upon good and discouraging you against that which is bad, then [all of] this necessitates that you should love [and respect] them.