It is befitting for the student of knowledge to protect and preserve his time, because [sometime] in the future he will [reflect over this and] regret the time he has wasted.
Tag: knowledge
A cause of benefit to others
[And] there are some in our day and age [today] who are quite the opposite.
The blessing of eemaan and intellect
After [being blessed with] eemaan, the worshipper [of Allaah] has not been blessed with anything better than intellect.
The most blessed of days
The wise person knows that the most blessed of days is a day on which he increases in virtue and knowledge.
A time of great trials and tribulations
[As an ummah], we are in a time of great trials and tribulations, and nothing can save us from these trials and tribulations except Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala, and thereafter beneficial knowledge.
The minds of men
The minds of the men are at the tips of their pens.
The people would have all perished
If it were not for the scholars transmitting the knowledge, and teaching the people – generation after generation, the people would have all perished.
Summary compilation of Saheeh al-Bukhaaree
And this summary compilation is the most beloved of the books to Shaykh al-Albaanee – as mentioned in the book “علماء و مفكرون عرفتهم”.
There are many who speak without sound knowledge
Indeed, we are in a time when there are many who speak without sound knowledge, and because of this…
Concealing knowledge
[The] concealing of knowledge [leads to] disaster, and [the] concealing of action [leads to] salvation.