How can I rid myself of haraam money if it has become mixed-up with my halaal money – which I have earnt in accordance with the Islaamic Sharee’ah [guidelines]?
Tag: job
Lazy people
The lazy ones are the most distressed, depressed and saddest of the people…
Working for a living
Some of the companions saw a strong young man racing to his job, and they remarked: ‘If [him going to work] was in the Path of Allaah…’
Some of my colleagues do not pray, and others are lazy towards prayer
I live and eat with people – some of whom do not pray, and others who pray late – praying the fajr [prayer] at 9 o’clock [in the morning]. Bearing in mind we all work together, what am I required to do? Should I leave this job?
Combining the prayers when she returns home from work
This woman is from Russia, and she has recently embraced Islaam. She says that she works amongst the disbelievers, and [as a result] she does not pray until [she returns home in] the evening, whereby she combines all of the prayers. So what is the ruling regarding her combing all her prayers?
Accountant defrauding the company
I work for a private company in Saudi Arabia, and whilst at work I noticed the company accountant misappropriating company property by selling goods without issuing a receipt for the sale of these goods; so what am I required to do?
Ask from those who are compassionate
Some of the wise [people] have said: Ask for livelihood from the compassionate ones, [and] live under their protection, and do not seek [anything] from those of harsh and cruel hearts, for indeed the curse [of Allaah] descends upon them.
Working for a brewery
A Muslim living in the West works in a factory where they produce [alcoholic] intoxicants, so what is the legal ruling regarding that? Should he continue with his work or stop?
Reading and listening to the Qur.aan at work
I work as an accountant at one of the companies, and I have a lot of spare time [at work], within which I read the Qur.aan and listen to the Qur.aan radio station; However, when the boss comes, I close the Qur.aan. So what is the ruling regarding this act? Guide us and may Allaah reward you with good.
Circumstances compel him to work for a bank which deals with ribaa
What is the ruling regarding someone whose circumstances compel him to work in a bank or [any] local money exchanges in the Kingdom [of Saudi Arabia]…