Some of the people do not know [the true value of] Ramadhaan except that it is [for them] to sleep during the day, and be awake at night engaged in idle chat and gossip…
Tag: islaam
Just one more Ramadhaan
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Sulaymaan ar-Ruhaylee said: During the time of the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ there were two brothers who embraced Islaam together. One of them would strive harder [in worship] than the other, and he [also] fought in the Path of Allaah and was martyred. And the second [brother] lived […]
The importance of prayer
He who [exherts himself in] protect[ing] his religion, and [likewise protecting] his prayer – which [itself] is a pillar of the religion [of Islaam], does not leave it wherever he may be
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen advises
Swarm the people of falsehood on the internet [to respond to their falsehood with sound knowledge]…
Important advice related to the outbreak of Coronavirus
In Islaam, [extending the greeting of] as-salaam [‘alaykum] is with the tongue, and the shaking of hands is an extra good deed…
From the greatest of blessings
From the greatest of blessings upon us is the blessing of Islaam and the blessing of the Qur.aan…
After just two sittings
From that which I witnessed of my brother, and my Shaykh, Sa’eed ibn ‘Alee Wahf al-Qahtaanee, was that whilst he was sedated in the National Guard Hospital in Jeddah, he was keen on giving da’wah.
No honour except with Islaam
And if we lose it, then we have lost ourselves and incurred the Anger of Allaah.
They spoke for the honour of Islaam
Because they spoke for the honour of Islaam, and the salvation of the soul, and the pleasure of Allaah.
In recognition of their service to Islaam
After he finished working at al-Jaami’ah al-Islaamiyyah [in Madeenah], Saudi Arabia [continued to] pay al-‘Allaamah al-Albaanee a salary for the rest of his life.