Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen said: So my advice to my brothers – not [specifically] regarding the internet, nor the satellite channels – is to fear Allaah regarding themselves, and to know that they have not been created for this, [instead] they have been created for the worship […]
Tag: internet
Greeting one another with “Jumu’ah Mubaarakah” every Friday
What is the ruling regarding the Muslim saying to a[nother] Muslim ‘Jumu’ah Mubaarakah’ every Friday via mobile phone messages, or on [online] discussion forums?
Making time for Social Media
Visit our YouTube channel for more Shaykh Sulaymaan ar-Ruhaylee said: Sadly, today [when] you ask a Muslim “How much Qur.aan have you read today?” [And] he says: “[What] today? By Allaah, I haven’t been able to…[I’ve been] busy.” OK, [so you ask him] “How many tweets have you read [then]?” [And] he says: “About a […]
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen advises
Swarm the people of falsehood on the internet [to respond to their falsehood with sound knowledge]…