In Islaam, after the Book of Allaah, we do not know of any book more authentic than the Muwatta of Imaam Maalik.
Tag: imaam
Sheikh Muhammad Ayoub, former Imam of Prophet’s Mosque, dies
Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Ayoub, former imam of the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah, died at dawn Saturday at the age of 65.
Using the least amount of water doing wudhoo
I have not seen anyone use the least amount of water purifying himself [doing wudhoo] than [Imaam] ash-Shaafi’ee.
The woman and the jumu’ah prayer
Also, she says: regarding the jumu’ah prayer for the woman, how many rak’ahs should she pray in her home?
Numerous jamaa’aat in the masjid
What is the ruling about the numerous jamaa’aat [established for the obligatory salaah – taking place] in a single masjid, particularly when some of them pray after the imaam has completed [the first jamaa’ah], and some others intentionally delay [their arrival] until after the imaam [has completed the first jamaa’ah], so they can pray with another jamaa’ah?
He would discard it entirely
If [Imaam] Maalik had doubt in a hadeeth, he would discard it entirely.
Addressing the imaam whilst in prayer
If the imaam goes into the rukoo’ position before me, is it permissible for me to say ‘Subhaa-nAllaah’ so as to alert him to wait for me or [even] say ‘Indeed. Allaah is with those who are patient’ so that he waits for me or should I not do any of the above?
A loaf of bread with pickles
We used to pass by [Imaam] al-Baghawee, and ad-Daaraqutnee [who at the time was only] a small boy, would walk behind us – in his hand was a loaf of bread with pickles on it.
The standing place of the Imaam
Where should the imaam stand [for prayer]?
Standing in front of the Imaam during the prayer
Is it permissible to stand infront of the imaam [during the prayer] if there is no room left in the masjid?