Whoever does not act in accordance with his knowledge, then his knowledge has not benefited him; rather it has harmed him.
Tag: ilm
Woe be once to the one who does not know
Woe be once to the one who does not know, and woe be seven times to the one who knows but does not act [according to his knowledge].
O Allaah protect me from knowledge which does not benefit
How many things are there – if they do not benefit, they will not harm. However, [with regards to] knowledge – if it does not benefit, it will harm.
A means to all virtue
Knowledge is a means to all virtue.
Speaking about the religion without sound knowledge
al-Mahdee – the ‘Abbaasid ruler – ordered the[m] people to refrain from talking, and not to engage in speaking [in matters of the religion without sound knowledge].
The importance of studying medicine
If it were not that I was engaged in protecting my skill and proficiency [in medicine], the Muslims would have perished.
Medicine, a third of knowledge
ash-Shaafi’ee grieved at how the Muslims had neglected [the knowledge of] medicine
The knowledge of medicine
After [the knowledge of] halaal and haraam, I do not know of any knowledge more noble than [the knowledge of] medicine, particularly since the people of the Book are better versed than us in it.
In the footsteps of the Prophet ﷺ
[In a dream] I saw the Prophet ﷺ [and it was] as if he was walking, and Muhammad ibn Ismaa’eel [al-Bukhaaree] was walking behind him…
None more knowledgeable of the Sunnah
There was none more knowledgeable of the Sunnah in Iraq than Ibn ‘Own.