If ever we – the companions of Muhammad ﷺ – needed clarification regarding a hadeeth, we would ask ‘Aa.ishah (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhaa) – and found that she had [inherited] knowledge from him.
Tag: ilm
Travelling in search of knowledge
Twice I have travelled between the East and West [in search of knowledge].
Relaying knowledge to the people
O my son, indeed the people will abandon the one who [unduly] increases [the amount of knowledge he relays to them].
The disappearance of Islaam
The disappearance of Islaam will be due to four [factors]…
In search of knowledge
I have travelled four times between the East and West [in search of knowledge].
The various stages of knowledge
The first [stage] of knowledge is to listen [carefully], then [conscientiously] memorise it, then act according to it, then convey it [to others].
Attaining knowledge
It is not possible to attain knowledge while at ease and rest.
Memorising when young
I heard (sought knowledge) from Qataadah when I was 14 years old, and there is nothing which I heard during those years except that it [remains with me] as if written in my heart.
If knowledge does not benefit you
[Regarding] knowledge, if it does not benefit you, it will harm you.
From the books of Islaam
From the books of Islaam, I have not seen knowledge [content] of the likes of “al-Muhallaa” of Ibn Hazm, and the book “al-Mughnee” of Muwaffaq ad-Deen [Ibn Qudaamah].