[To say] ‘I do not know’ is half of [all] knowledge.
Tag: ilm
I do not know
It is befitting for the scholar to bequeath his companions the term ‘I do not know’, so it becomes a principle to which they seek refuge [from the danger of speaking without knowledge].
Humility of the scholar
I have never seen a scholar say “I do not know” more than Taawoos [ibn Keesaan].
I do not know
[To say] “I do not know” is half of [all] knowledge.
The generous companion
Reference: Siyar A’laam an-Nubalaa – Volume 8, Page 312 Yahyaa al-Wihaathee narrated: I have not seen a man who was more generous than Ismaa’eel ibn ‘Ayyaash. When we would visit him at the farm, he would suffice only with [slaughtering] a sheep for us and [some] dried fried dates. I heard him say: ‘I inherited 4,000 […]
Rectifying the misunderstandings of the people
The people of Egypt would disparage ‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan, until al-Layth ibn Sa’d emerged from [amongst] them and spoke to them about his virtues, and so they refrained.
Not to accept gifts from the students
Do not accept it, [I prefer that you continue to] relate [hadeeth] to me.
The most knowledgeable of them
And the one whose knowledge most encompassed all of these matters was Sa’eed ibn Jubayr.
The knowledge of ‘Aa.ishah
If [all] the knowledge of ‘Aa.ishah (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhaa) was gathered, and [all] the knowledge of all the women was gathered, [then] the knowledge of ‘Aa.ishah would be better.
Asking her about the laws of inheritance
By Allaah, I saw the major companions of Muhammad ﷺ asking her about the laws of inheritance.