The truthful person [is one who] restricts his speech, food, sleep, and mixing with others [to only that which is necessary]…
Tag: humility
Accept the truth
You do not qualify for [any] level of humility until you accept the truth from whom you love, and from whom you detest.
Concealing knowledge
[The] concealing of knowledge [leads to] disaster, and [the] concealing of action [leads to] salvation.
The worst of brothers
And the worst of brothers is he who abandons his brothers during [their time of] hardship and need.
In recognition of their service to Islaam
After he finished working at al-Jaami’ah al-Islaamiyyah [in Madeenah], Saudi Arabia [continued to] pay al-‘Allaamah al-Albaanee a salary for the rest of his life.
I have not seen anyone like Ahmad ibn Hanbal
I met 200 scholars of knowledge, and I have not seen anyone like Ahmad ibn Hanbal.
Beware of being amazed with yourself!
And many of the intellectuals become atheists because of their intellect, and [as a result he] looks upon others as despicable, and sees others as nothing worthy of note…
Beware of being taken by appearances!!
Quite possibly, this brother and his like could be better than me and you in front of Allaah.
He was overcome with tears
I prayed the Fajr prayer behind al-Fudhayl ibn ‘Iyaadh, and he recited…
He fell unconscious
I prayed [the] Maghrib [prayer] behind Fudhayl ibn ‘Iyaadh, with his son ‘Alee at my side.