Whoever busies himself with [helping fulfil] the needs of the people, Allaah will aid him in [fulfilling] his personal needs.
Tag: help
Assisting the students
The Shaykh used to give a ride to whomever from amongst the students he would come across [on his way] to the [Islaamic] University [of Madeenah] or to the centre of town.
Not enough for my needs
And it appeared the man understood what the Shaykh had intended, so he took the money, thanking the Shaykh as he left.
Allaah is Most-Giving
He used to ask about my children and encourage his [own] children to visit me, may Allaah have Mercy upon Abu ‘Abdullaah.
Helping the wayfarer
Their voices rising with supplications for the Shaykh, and their thanks to the Prince for his respect towards the scholars and appreciation of their rank and position.
Seeking and accepting help from the disbelievers
What is the ruling regarding seeking and [then] accepting help from the disbelievers?
Concern for his students
‘The Shaykh gave much importance to [the affairs of] his students. He was keen in alleviating the difficulties which came their way while being on their path to seeking knowledge.