Do not accept it, [I prefer that you continue to] relate [hadeeth] to me.
Tag: hadeeth
Reading some ahaadeeth or tafseer of the Qur.aan after the ‘Asr prayer
In some of the masaajid, every day – particularly after the ‘Asr prayer, one of the brothers reads a number of ahaadeeth from the book “Riyaadh as-Saaliheen”; so is this practice [considered to be] an innovation?
She had inherited knowledge from him
If ever we – the companions of Muhammad ﷺ – needed clarification regarding a hadeeth, we would ask ‘Aa.ishah (radhi-yAllaahu ‘anhaa) – and found that she had [inherited] knowledge from him.
Memorising when young
I heard (sought knowledge) from Qataadah when I was 14 years old, and there is nothing which I heard during those years except that it [remains with me] as if written in my heart.
In the footsteps of the Prophet ﷺ
[In a dream] I saw the Prophet ﷺ [and it was] as if he was walking, and Muhammad ibn Ismaa’eel [al-Bukhaaree] was walking behind him…
Encouraging others
When a man narrates to me a hadeeth, I remain silent [to encourage] him – [giving the impression] as if I haven’t heard it [before], even though I [first] heard it before he was even born!
He would discard it entirely
If [Imaam] Maalik had doubt in a hadeeth, he would discard it entirely.
Did not make a single mistake
Ishaaq ibn Raahawayh dictated 11,000 hadeeth to us from memory. He then read them (what he had dictated) to us and did not make a single mistake (in what he had dictated).
A strong memory
I have never memorised anything and then forgotten it.