We hear, Your Eminence, about the Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh and that which their da’wah entails. So would you advise me to join this Jamaa’ah.
Tag: group
Cult mentality
Do not imprison your mind inside your party (group).
in shaa.-Allaah they have been forgiven by Allaah
If it were not that I was amongst them (this group of righteous men), I would have said [in shaa.-Allaah] they have been forgiven [by Allaah].
Leading the prayer
The time for prayer entered upon a group of scholars; So it was said to one of them to lead [the prayer], but he declined.
There is an aggressive attack upon Imaam Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhaab – calling his followers “Wahabis”; So what is your opinion regarding those [who have launched this attack]?
The death of Usaamah ibn Laadin
What is the balanced opinion regarding the killing of Usaamah ibn Laadin?
“Let us unite upon that which we agree and excuse each other in that which we disagree”
What is your opinion regarding the one who says: “let us unite upon that which we agree and excuse each other in that which we disagree”?
Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh’s lack of importance given to seeking knowledge
That which is well known about this group (Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh) is the lack of importance they place on seeking knowledge…
The Islaamic ruling regarding Ayatollah Khomeini
What is the Islaamic ruling regarding [Ayatollah] Khomeini?
Refuting the mistakes of Sayyid Qutb and Hasan al-Bannaa
What is your opinion regarding those who refute the mistakes of some of the books of Sayyid Qutb, Hasan al-Bannaa, Mustafaa as-Sibaa’ee and other than them…